COVERGIRL category reinvention
P&G’s COVERGIRL undertook a category reinvention design proposal in order put their learning into action and take the lead within Beauty. The unique problem to solve in this type of work is how to create a true“win” for the shopper, retailer, and brand.
The Process
We created a creative route attached to each of four prevalent consumer segmentations and utilized P&G’s “Shopper Based Design” methodology. Each concept dove deep into understanding how a particular group is shopping Cosmetics, and what improvements we could make within the experience based on that behavioral data.

The four concepts were extended to customized category designs for Target, Walmart, and HEB stores.

Three design routes were tested for Target with merchandising variations driven by shopping mission type, face eyes and lip solutions, and optimized brand adjacencies.
Two design routes were tested for Walmart with varying degrees of fixture investment ranging from category signage to full-aisle solutions including lighting and merchandising innovations.
The designs were adjusted over multiple revision rounds as we had the opportunity to conduct focus group research and implement the findings.